Our Facilities: The Datacentre (Maidstone, UK) Click here to view the USA Datacentre!
The Maidstone Datacentre is located in one of the premiere cities in the UK. It provides great connectivity to the rest of the potentially advantageous regions. When we established this partnership, we always kept the customer in mind. HostDime has invested in a solution that will ensure that all clients have a great experience as well as state of the art technology.

150,000 sq ft total size
Office space available on standby or dedicated DR use
Meeting rooms and showers
On-site Satellite Farm/Earth Station offering bespoke up-link
Licensed restaurant plus 24 hour vending
A secure centre, within a secure site
Physical security include fencing and entrance barriers to all boundaries
24/7/365 manned and patrolled external security
Centrally controlled access system recorded, logged and audited
The Datacentre is protected by an isolated Card and Pin combination
Both the site and the Datacentre have independent Infra Red CCTV
A full motion detection system covers the data floors
Data rooms and suites are separate locked areas within the Datacentre
Security systems are linked to our sophisticated central building system
N+1 UPS resilience, 2N+1 is achievable for dual power racks
Automatically activated diesel generators with priority refueling contracts
Highest availability, modular, decentralized parallel architecture
'On-Line' design for zero interruption during power-fail
Full system monitoring and automated self-diagnostics
Full UPS chassis by-pass can be achieved without interrupting load
Twin EDF grid feeds
Three on site sub-stations
Almost unlimited power per rack
Critical SLA's on power provision
Zero interruption during power-fail
10GB Level3
10GB Teli
10GB LINX peering
As with the USA datacentre, all of our services are delivered with guaranteed service levels and around-the-clock support. Our data centers are staffed with our on-site expert engineers and support technicians 24 hours a day, every day of the year. It is our own staff supporting our systems and services. Using the latest equipment and technology we proudly deliver exceptional service, support, and hosting solutions in our region and throughout the world.